Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Look at your Patients

I was reading a post from August 30, 2008 on Mitch’s Mom blog about a baby timer; she hit the nail on the head when she said parents look at your babies, it is true they will tell you when they need something. As a nurse I was taught do not rely on your monitors Look at your Patients. Well I worked in the ER before I became an OB nurse, one night I was working with an overzealous young nurse (not me) who saw on the monitor that a patient was in v-fib. Running from the nurses’ station she knocked over a doctor and two chairs. She was on the phone to the operator to call a code before she reached the room. She grabbed the crash cart on the way to the room nearly hitting other bystanders. She ripped open the curtain slung the cart in and laid the man flat. The family jumped up, asking what is wrong. The nurse did not even realize the stunned look on the patient’s face. Until I asked “what is the problem?” She said in a frantic voice “he is in v-fib!” I said “why don't you slow down and ask him how he feels first” she finally lays eyes on the man. She found a man not in distress, although a little nervous about what she was going to do, looking back at her. His reply was “I’m sure as hell glad someone was here to stop you before you started pounding on my chest.” I had been in his room explaining that he was going to the floor talking to him asking question. I had just adjusted his monitor so that we could see the tracing better. She scared the patient, his family and me, by her entrance to the room. I understand the sense of urgency when you have a strip that looks bad but if you hurt yourself getting there or scare the patient you are not doing anyone any favors.


nurse on call said...

This is so true! Really true about babies. Young parents react before they even look at what is going on with their infants.

Jody said...

Hey there Kim! I agree with what you've said here. We have an awesome responsibility as OB nurses with our familys =)

I added your blog to me list. I will enjoy following you here!

Phil's Grill said...

Good Post and wonderful personal experience that you shared. Machines are great however they will never take the place of an eyeball assessment.

Geriatric Nursing said...

Thanks for sharing your experience. Sometimes we have just enough knowledge to be dangerous. Thank goodness you were already in the room!

mitchsmom said...

Yeah, sometimes I wish I were an OB nurse in the days before fetal monitoring... well not really... they used to do some pretty funky stuff... but sometimes I could live without the monitors and our MD's are SUPER attached to them... all of our patients, 100%, have continuous monitoring in the bed for their entire labors.
Thanks for the funny story! It's so true!

The Triage Queen said...

I added you to the list on my BLOG - you are too funny.

Katie Webb said...

Hi, I love your blog and I'm giving you a blog award! Check out my Homemaking 101 site for details! And keep the posts coming!